Javad Sadoun zadeh

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Javad Sadoun zadeh

دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب

Journal Paper

  1. "Sociological critique of Bata Street, a novel by Zayd Al-Shahid based on Lucien Goldmann's theory of genetic structuralism"
    sakineh khasreji : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author, Naeem Amouri : Third author
    لارک للفلسفة واللسانیات والعلوم الاجتماعیة, pp.988-1006, 2024
  2. "Modernity in the literature of Taha Hussein"
    ضحي خضيرعباس : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    مجلة الکلیة الاسلامیة الجامعة, pp.221-246, 2024
  3. "Personal semiotics in the novel The Palm Tree and the Neighbors (by Ghaib Touma Farman)"
    منذر سليم عبدالرحيم : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    مجلة الکلیة الاسلامیة الجامعة, pp.175-190, 2024
  4. "Reception in the novel Ijam by Sinan Anton"
    Naeem Amouri : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author, زينب سواعدي مورزاده : Third author
    دراسات فی اللغة العربیة و آدابها, pp.243-272, 2024
  5. "The duality of presence and absence in the poetry collection (Nobody Waits for Nobody) by Jamal Jassim Amin"
    رحيم زايرکاظم : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.545-566, 2023
  6. "Personalization in the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish"
    جعفر هاتو فاخر : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.549-560, 2023
  7. "A study of the narrative time in the novel “The Bamboo Stalk” by Saud Al-Sanousi based on Gerard Genet’s theory"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author, Naeem Amouri : second author, خسرو موسويان نژاد : Third author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.481-501, 2022
  8. "Narrative elements in the novel "Utopia" by Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq"
    Abbas Yadollahi farsani : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author, زهرا سياحي حسيني : Third author
    مجلة جامعة تشرین للبحوث والدراسات العلمیة, pp.73-92, 2022
  9. "Qur’anic intertextuality in the poetry of Na’iyat al-Qasab by the poet Hazem Rashk al-Tamimi"
    فراس فاخر ضیدان : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.773-792, 2022
  10. "The phenomenon of ambiguity between the old and the new, an analytical study"
    غسان ترکی عبد : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.871-894, 2022
  11. "Amin Fares Malhas between modernity and tradition (analysis of Marzouk’s story)"
    سلمان صالح زهیر : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.637-652, 2022
  12. "Spatial alienation in the novel (Agatha Madinah) by Abd al-Rida Salih Muhammad is an example"
    رحیم بدوی جریح : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.669-699, 2022
  13. "Manifestations of romanticism in Shaker Al-Ghazi’s poetry"
    رمله عبدالحسین علیوی : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.715-738, 2022
  14. "The influence of Nahj al-Balagha on Arabic prose of the second century AH"
    طعمه غضبان عبید : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.923-938, 2022
  15. "A stylistic study in contemporary Ahwazi folk proverbs"
    SOHAD JADERI : First author, mohammad ebadi : second author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : Third author
    Adab al-Kufa, pp.273-298, 2020
  16. "The use of objectivity in the approach to rhetoric to create the mental image"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author, mohammad amin rodini : second author, sohad jaderi : Third author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.309-321, 2019
  17. "A stylistic study in the Egyptian proverbs"
    sohad jaderi : First author, mohammad ebadi : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : Third author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.323-348, 2019
  18. "The roots of resistance literature in the poetry of Ahmad Shawqi"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.359-376, 2019
  19. "ArticleThe irony in the poetry of Ibn Shahid"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    The Arabic Language and Literature, pp.187-206, 2019
  20. "War in the hair of the righteous Sharif"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    adab al-kufa, pp.567-588, 2019
  21. "Nationalism in the Poetry of Rachid Salim Al Khoury «The Poet of the Village»"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.125-140, 2018
  22. "Visualization and ratificationIn logic, grammar and rhetoric"
    BAHAE ALDEEN HAZBAEI : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    adab al-kufa, pp.413-439, 2018
  23. "سیمیائیه المعجم الشعری لقصیده النبی المجهول لابی القاسم الشابی فی ضوء نظریات سوسیر و ریفارتیر"
    Nargass Giyanch : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author, khareyi echreshe : Third author
    Research in Arabic Language and Literature, pp.41-55, 2018
  24. "Nazek al-Malikah felt in the social balance sheet"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    Journal Adab AL- kUFa, pp.127-148, 2017
  25. "Ibn Farez's poetry whispered on his mysticism"
    mourad ali waladbaigi : First author, Javad Sadoun zadeh : second author
    journal of Sustainability Literature, pp.307-328, 2016
  26. "ساختار قصیده در شعر عربی پیش از اسلام و تاثیر آن بر نخستین قصیده سرایان پارسی گو"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    journal of comparative literature, pp.75-94, 2011
  27. "جلوه ایران دوستی و اسلام باوری در شعر فرخی یزدی"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    Journal of the Iranian Studies, pp.245-270, 2011
  28. "سفيان بن مصعب عبدي"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    Lesan Mobeen, pp.157-178, 2011
  29. "فن الاتفات في القرآن الكريم"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    ادب عربی, pp.119-135, 2010
  30. "مظاهر ادب المقاومه فی شعر نزار قبانی"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    نشریه ادبیات پایداری, pp.145-167, 2010
  31. "تاثير شعر عربي پيش از اسلام بر مضامين شعر فارسي"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    journal of comparative literature, pp.97-116, 2010
  32. "پژوهشي پيرامون تاريخ حديث امام هادي(عليه السلام)"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    مجله پژوهش‌های اسلامی, pp.157-175, 2010
  33. "مظاهر ادب المقاومه في شعر احمد مطر"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    نشریه ادبیات پایداری, pp.51-69, 2009
  34. "تحليلي روانشناختي از زندگي «ابن‌الرومي» علي‌بن‌عباس‌بن‌گريگوريوس"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author
    مجله زبان و ادبیات عربی و قرآنی, pp.179-198, 2002
  35. "Naturalism in Malaika poetry"
    Javad Sadoun zadeh : First author, sohad jaderi : second author, said mohammad molavey : Third author
    New york science journal, pp.43-46, 2015