khareyi echreshe

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

khareyi echreshe

دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب

P.H.D dissertations

  1. تمرکززدایی در داستان‌های کودکانه‌ی أمل ناصر
    فاطمه تختی 1403
  2. دراسة فی اللُّغة الشّعریة عند عبد المحسن الكاظمی
    غسان تركی عبد 1403
  3. اتجاهات الشعر المعاصر الشیعی
    ندا بنی تمیمی 1403
  4. الهجره و اثرها علی الروایه العراقیه ما بعد 2003
    عباس فاضل حمید 1403
  5. الصورة الفنیة فی أدب رسمیة محیبس
    رمله عبدالحسین علیوی 1403
  6. شعر كمال سبتی دراسه اسلوبیه
    عدنان حسین احمد 1402
  7. بوطیقای فرمالیسم در داستانهای کوتاه نجیب محفوظ، یوسف ادریس، زکریا تامر، غاده سمان، غسان کنفانی و سمیره عزام.
    محمدصادق ضرونی 1399
  8. تحلیل گفتمان رمان انقلاب در ادبیات معاصر عربی با تکیه بر تحولات مصر
    عدالتی نسب-علی 1395

    Discourse analysis is inter-field tendency in humanities collection knowledge and social sciences. This view has presented in literature in the middle of 1960 to 1970 and originate from the thought of linguistics, topologists, hermeneutic researchers, and Michel Foucault's views. Harris had used such term for the first time and he raised the concept of different types of power and critical validity. In the discourse analysis, production and reinforcement of specific ideology and attitude toward higher levels of sentence, such as scientific and practical view toward content, sexuality, power, and beside it will be considered. Among the interesting aspects of discourse analysis are producing or strengthening an ideology, understanding texts in their wider context, and using pragmatic and scientific approach to the text analysis. Scholars of linguistics like Fairclough, Wodak, Van Dijk, Fowler and Kress played an important role in introducing and promoting critical discourse analysis as a new approach to text analysis.
    This study codified on the basis of validity discourse active pattern, Gremas' semantic square, and Michel Foucault's discourse analysis theory of power and sexuality and Normam Fairclough’s pattern in discourse analysis. So on the basis of Gremas' active pattern, the structure of the novels and the relationship between the structure and content investigated. Then changeability in the novels process and its semantic square codified. two important and considerable factories in the novels such as power and sexuality investigated on the basis of Michel Foucault's discourse theory and also its structural and linguistic relationship in the content stated.
    In this research we have used Norman Fairclough’s approach which analyses the text on three different levels: descriptive, interpretative and expressive. The descriptive, interpretative and expressive approaches are useful in expressing and discovering the ideological, political and sociological views of the writers. In so doing, we discussed the views of the authors, and using an innovative approach, we discovered various semantics and thematic layers of meanings closer to this novel. The results showed that the researchers have stated the changeability in the novel on the basis of exact structure and a plot in different ways and the work of activists has been defined as for the aims specified. In this study, the researchers considered the power relations, power and people, and the relationship between them, the role of power in the sexuality problem and its control. The researchers also arise against the Egyptian governor with the critical content and defended women and their gender by condemning the authority view of sexuality problem. From a critical discourses analytic perspective, the writers, managed to create and anti-imperialistic hero from the working class and promoted women’s role in the contemporary novels from housewives to activists in the socio-political with emphasis on the text and co- text areas.

  9. بررسی مبانی ادیبات مقاومت معاصر ایران و عرب با تکیه بر اشعار سپیده کاشانی و فدوی طوقان
    علی احمدی 1391
  10. بررسی زبانی، محتوایی، و زیبایی شناختی سفرنامه های امین الریحانی
    امید جهانبخت لیلی 1390

Master Theses

  1. ترجمة روایة مادران؛جای پای فرهاد للكاتب فرهاد خضری
    زینب ساكی 1403
  2. ترجمة روایة آسمان چهارم لفریبا كلهر
    بتول حزبازاده 1403
  3. الزمكانیه فی روایه زینب بنت الاجاوید
    ایات دهیمی نژاد 1403
  4. الزمكانیة فی روایة تحت أقدام الأمهات
    زهرا باوی 1403
  5. ترجمة كتاب «پاییز فصل آخر سال است» للمؤلفة نسیم مرعشی
    زینب سالمی 1403
  6. الرومانسیه فی شعر صالح جودت
    كبری موسائیان جبار 1403
  7. ترجمه كتاب قصه های من و ننه آغا اثر مظفر سالاری
    سهیلا صنهیری 1402
  8. دراسة البنیة الزماكنیة فی روایة تمر الأصابع لمحسن الرملی
    حسام سعود عبید 1402
  9. ترجمه كتاب نه آبی نه خاكی للمولف علی موذنی
    جمعه عطشانی 1402
  10. ترجمه روایة نخل‌های بی‌سرلقاسمعلی فراست
    توفیق صالح نژادمعیدفی 1402
  11. سیاست وتأثیر آن بر شعر غازى القصیبى
    حامد محسنی 1401
  12. موتیف الحزن فی أشعار معروف الرصافی
    سرحان مطیرفریج 1401
  13. سیمیاء الشخصیة فی روایة النخله والجیران للكاتب غائب طعمه فرمان
    منذر سلیم عبدالرحیم 1401
  14. رمز در اشعار میخائیل نعیمة
    جمال حیدری 1401
  15. الرمز فی شعر لمیعة عباس عمارة
    عماد حمید نصره 1401
  16. دراسة اسلوبیة فی احادیث جهاد النفس وما یرتبط بها من الفاظ فی احادیث المعصومین الاربعة عشر
    مهندسعد مهدی 1401
  17. شعر اجود مجبل رؤیة و نسیجا
    ذولفقار حسین حنون 1401
  18. ترجمة کتاب هرس لنسیم مرعشی
    رسول بنی سكینی 1401
  19. الوطنیة فی شعر ابراهیم طوقان
    منصور محسن حسین 1401
  20. التکرار فی شعر حامد عبد الحسین حمیدی المطیری
    حسین عاشور كاظم 1401
  21. ترجمه رمان اساتذة الوهم اثر: علی بدر
    محمد ال كثیر 1401
  22. ملامح الاغتراب فی شعررشید ایوب
    زهرا منصوری 1401
  23. النزعة الإنسانیة فی شعر احمد زکی ابی شادی
    مصطفی عباس عزیز 1401
  24. مظاهر الأتساق فی روایة نیران وارة لیوسف هدای میس
    علاء لفته رمل 1401
  25. البنیة السردیة الزمان والشخصیات فی فرانکشتاین فی بغداد للروائی العراقی أحمد سعداوی
    عبدالقادر شاكر خیرالله 1401
  26. الصورة والتشکیل فی شعر حیدر دبّوس دراسة موضوعیة
    علی عبدالله حسن 1401
  27. صورة البطل فی ثلاثیة عبدالله صخی
    احمد عبدالامیر حسین 1401
  28. صورة المرأة فی شعر مصطفى جمال الدین
    اثیر شنشول ساهی 1401
  29. عناصر الابداع الفنی فی اشعار یحیى السماوی
    زیاد حسن كریم 1401
  30. قیمة الشخصیة القصصیة فی تجسید الأفکار التربویة بأدب الشهیدة بنت الهدى
    حسنین عبد طارش 1401
  31. زمان ومکان در رمان أین المَفَر خولة حمدی
    بشیر جهید شذی 1400
  32. تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی رمان الحفیده الامریکیه (نوه أمریکایی) بر اساس نظریه نورمن فرکلاف
    سیدصادق موسوی 1400
  33. الطبیعة فی شعر ابن الزقاق البلنسی دراسة وصفیة تحلیلة
    احمد اجباری محمد 1400
  34. الخطاب الحکمی فی شعر أبی إسحاق الإلبیری
    تركی عبد غسان 1400
  35. سیمای زن در رمان فی قلبی انثی عبریة از خوله حمدی
    فریده خرم ابادی 1399
  36. سیمای امام حسین (ع)در قصاید منتخب عربى وتطبیق آن با اشعار عربی فصیح خوزستان
    سكینه الهایی 1398
  37. سیمای پیامبر اکرم (ص) در شعر فصیح معاصر خوزستان ( مسعود بیت سعید، عباس طایی ، مصطفی غافلی ، صلاح سالمی و مهدی ساری»
    محمد بیت صافی 1397
  38. شرح و ترجمه مجموعه شعری «اغنیه للانسان» نازک الملائکه
    حمیده پورخفاجیان پور 1396
  39. جایگاه و نقش خاندان بستانی در ادب عربی
    علی اكبر ولوی نسب 1396

    In this research, the status and role of the Al-Bustani family in contemporary Arabic literature and its evolution have been studied. The three main characters of this family, namely, Petras Al-Bustani, Salim Al-Bustani and Suleiman Al-Bustani, have been selected. The reason for such selectivity has been the fundamental importance of these individuals in the development of Arabic literature in various fields. To this end, we first examined the cultural, social and political context of the development of Arabic literature in the late nineteenth century, then Petr al-Bustani and his role in the transformation of Arabic literature and culture, ultimately Selim and Suleiman al-Bustani, and their influence on the development of literature. Arabic contemporary. The research shows that Peters al-Bustani, with the establishment of new schools, the approval of appropriate textbooks, new dictionaries and The Encyclopedias, the establishment of literary and cultural associations and the publication of the press, Salim Al Bustani, with the publication of the magazine Al Jainan, played an important role in the development of contemporary Arabic literature, and co-authored the encyclopedia, And Suleiman Al-Bustani, with the collaboration of the Encyclopaedia, critique and, finally, the translation of the Iliad of Homer into Arabic, have played a very important role in the development of Arabic literature. The focus of these activities is on the unity and revival of the greatness of the Arab Ummah and achieving to the great civilization that deserves the great history of this great nation. However, criticisms have been made that the main thing is to attribute the central thought to such an axis to Western colonialism.

  40. سیدعلی عدنانی غریفی:زندگی و آثار ادبی او
    احمد اسحاقی 1396

    This paper aims to go through the biography and the literary works of seyyed ali adnani (1906 – 1966) one of the best known men is khorramshahr.
    It consist of two main parts. First scientific status cultural activities and literary works all of which be long to seyyed com into consideration.
    Secondly After the examination of moral poems which include praise lamentat: on and lyric poems the evaluation will be done .
    Since seyyed was aware of the dominant literary works of his time he wrote some heroic verses on karbala battle and the heroes.
    He also mentioned the importance of marriage through versified story.
    Observing the story of his life comprehensively not only bring self-esteem to every society but also the recognition of aptitude and the valuation of inheritance.
    Several sources were used to conduct this study . Furthermore A field research description way and interview with seyyeds family and the associates were taken into consideration.

  41. ترجمه و شرح 500 بیت از جلد اول شوقیات احمد شوقی
    زینب چنانی 1395

     The best way of know ing the famous characters is to study their works. In the realm of literature the poems of each poet is a reflection of his life and his compatriots. In this negard, the translation of Ahmad Showqi s poems plays an important role in introducing him as Amir alshoara and his society. Poets are affected by their life time and showqi is not an exception . he is a contemporary poet and the existence of new issues such as political and social prob lems of his time and the description of new civilization ,etc is considered commonly .the present study is accompanied with the explanation and description of understanding of poets is purposes, finding the persian equivalents of words and statements, choosing the most appropriate persion equivalents and stating of the poetical aims of the poet , after doing the translation in the form of contemporany persian prose. This study includes a brief introduction ,poets short biography, and the trandlation an elaboration on the ten odes of the first volume of showqiat. At the beginning of each ode, ther is an introduction with regard to the odes characteristics . in the procem of verses translation, difficult words and phrases will be described,if necessary. Then rhetorical points will be examined and at the end poets style will be stated.

  42. فرهنگ لغت تخصصی هواپیمایی سه زبانه عربی-فارسی-انگلیسی
    عبدالله عبیاوی 1395

     This project is a trilingual dictionary(Arabic-Farsi-English) of aviation technical terms.This terms are the most practical aviation technical terms.The basic aim of this project is to find the equivalents of this terms and to translate them for the purpose of nationalization of aviation science and to explain the meaning of them, because even though the meaning of these terms are not clear for the ordinary people ,they are not completely clear for the aviation specialists. The basic questions that the writer’s mind of this project wanted to answer were:is it possible to translate and find the Arabic and Farsi equivalents of the aviation terms?and if the answer is yes, how to do that?.After studying the different ways of doing that these conclusions were found: 1-some of these terms have popular equivalents 2-there was also word-for word translations,3-some of these terms are translated on the basis of ICAO definitions and their scientific definitions(meaning-based translation).The word formation processes of the three languages are important in translation and making the equivalents of aviation terms .The order of the dictionary is so that the Arabic equivalents come first ,the farsi ones come second and the English ones are the third.For every term there are different equivalents included in this project to clarify the different aspects of each term and to give the applicants the possibility of finding the both aspects:the lawful and the technical ones.The different Arabic-Farsi equivalents of these terms are separated by the mark(,) and the translated definitions come after the mark(:).For all the terms the equivalents that seem appropriate were included and for many of them and not all the definitions were included.The references that were used mostly are the ICAO annexes and documents.The references are classified to three groups:1-English-English, 2-English-Arabic and Arabic-English and 3-English-Farsi and Farsi-English.This project is a tanslation one and includes three chapters, the general discussion is included in the chapter 1,the prcesses of word formation of the three languages is discussed in chapter 2,the main part of the project which is the trilingual (Arabic-Farsi-English) dictionary of aviation terms is in chapter 3 and the conclusions are in chapter 4.

  43. بکار گیری میراث در شعر ادیب کمال الدین
    فاطمه بوعذار 1394

    Heritage is one of the social and historical literary works and old that has remained in written form or verbally in the past and including literary techniques that were considered by contemporary Arab poets and their works have been widely reflected. The impact of this phenomenon in contemporary Arabic poetry is such that without knowing the hidden aspects of understanding the meaning and purpose of the poet for the audience, it would be difficult and complex.
    Kamal al-Din Iraqi is a writer that is born in 1935 in Babylon. One of the characteristics of his poetry, which tends to the universality of knowledge and integration with legacy is pervasive and its effects on innovation is important.
    Heritage has a significant presence in the poetry of Kamaluddin literary. This research study was to investigate the phenomenon of heritage and using it in all his efforts and he was enjoying it is an inseparable part of his work. It is also possible that the poet's heritage resources they benefited from them divided to the religious, mystical, historical and mythical parts.

    Religious heritage has a special place in the Kamaluddin`s poetry. The use of this heritage, the diversity of practices has given expression to the poet. He as a poet have also benefited from mystical symbols and terms, particularly in the context of Arabic letters and Sufi`s power and importance of the aesthetic letter and point. His historical legacy is also widely used. The presence of this literary and artistic heritage of calling characters that have a big impact on his life and have been out of favor and oppression and oblivion. And the heritage of myth, the myth of Gilgamesh, the Babylonian poet and whose hero is a symbol of humiliation and frustration, is used. And the traditional symbol (inherited) two hereditary character of Noah and Imam Hussein (AS) were analyzed by two to express their views and hatred of oppression and humiliation, relying on analytical and descriptive method, was discussed.

  44. دلالت های طبیعت در شعر سودان محمد فیتوری به عنوان نمونه
    خیرالله غرباوی 1394

    The reserch in this article is about reasoning of natuer of Sudanese poet Mohammad alfaytori. The poet is pioneers of modern poetry and considers one of the best poets of Arab. Most of his poetry generally about innocent man NAD especialy assigned to affrican mans these poets of 1950s. Not accept and surrender againts aggression of movement of national liberation. The natuer is considered kind of shelter for our poet and by that can exparess his sorrow for contient and his fellowman.becuse the poet is love the nature. I mention samples the use of nature in this article and the goal of this article is expression the benfits of the poet for extened cultuer that help him use different form for his poetry in addition the orginal implication and his power to use the nature. Elements techenically and intellectualy of this article is divided to faive chapter and every chapter is formed of 3 or 4 tipics.

  45. :شرح وترجمه 100صفحه از جلد اول شوقیات احمد شوقی.
    بروایه-الهام 1393

     Translation of standard Arabic texts including Ahmad Shughi’s poetries has a significant role in learning and perception of its meanings and themes, analyzing and processing of beliefs and world-view and thus identifying of this fame poet. By relying on this data and using the dictionaries and referring to various sources, this research attempts to realize the ideals of the poet, finding equivalents of Farsi and phrases, choosing the closest and the most suitable Farsi words equivalents and explaining the objectives of poet for versifying the poetries after translating into contemporary Persian prose along with description and explanation. Lack of Persian words equivalents for Arabic words as well as the required sources and broad of imagination of poet in applying the words and dealing with historical events and different subjects and using various figures of speech are those difficulties that this research was faced with. The study includes a brief introduction, a biography and a translation of twelve Qaside verses from first volume of Shughiat. At the beginning of translation of each Qaside, an introduction was written about features of it and in the translation of verses, the words and the phrases seemed to be difficult were described as necessary.

  46. ترجمه کتاب الرحلات المتبادله بین الغرب الاسلامی و المشرق
    سیدمحمد هاشمی 1393

    The disscusion of this book has studied the variety of departure is Istamic world over centuries for various purposes. The aim of this deporture was mention as paying for hajj precept of touring and for acquiring knowldge it is discussed indetail the scientific departure that the cultural exchange has been done between East and west of Islamec country. The first subject after the introduetion that was studied the scientific relation ship between jerusalem and other scientific Islamic country, during occuption and untill Liberation of crusaders (1188 M) Untill recent centruies that extend to Mryynha period in morocco and to saadian period untill recent centuries.
    The second to the fourth subject was named as journey and it's role in the strength of the scientific releationship between East and Andalusia, Mossed was the complete evidenee of this interaction that wasstudied sity's map and economic , social , cultural and construetion conditions. The fifth subject was studied the scientific departure between tndoulsia and Iran and Transoxania country, the long distanee didn't cause trouble for ell ectual relationship of departure. The sixth subject was allocated for itinerary of Andlousia that was remberas evidence for sham history. This inelude the itinerary of Ibnjabir and Ibn jabir description of sham was emphasized in history of that contry.
    The seventh subject was allocated for itinerary of Ibnjabir but this time with Bagdad approach which was take plaee in 1184 AD. The eighth subject of this book was studied the Andolusia and west itinerary which disscussed Ibn hamed Qrmaty and Ibn Batuta.
    The ninth subject was narration of the famus Moroccan tourism (traveller) Which disscussed Ibn Batuta of yeman. His narration is describe with high degree of importance.

  47. اقتباسات قرانی در شعر شاعران بنام عصر عباسی
    رباب حویزاوی 1393

    The holy Quran, since the time of descending, has influnced many poets and writers. Poets and writers, who were familiar with Islamic culture and educations, noticed its semantic and literal beauty; and tried to use this beauty in their arts.
    Since the appearance of Islam, great poets applied holy Quran verses; and in each era they used words and meaning of this holy book skillfully. Also Famous poets of Abbasids' era use of the valuable holy book, according to their knowledge and familiarity with QURAN.
    Writer of the dissertation tries to find Quran messages in poems of some poets such as: Abu Fras, Abu Altai, Abutamam, Sharif Razi, and motanabi . At the end a list of versus of Holy Quran and Arabic poems is written.

  48. الاسلوب القصصی لبنت الهدی
    جزایری راد-بشری 1393

    The story of literary genres in the literary world wide position into account. The story appeared in a variety of novels and short stories are the most important types. Many scholars and authors named this the immortal works in the field of clean-up.
    "Amina Haider Al-Sadr" nicknamed "Bentolhoda" one writer to express your inner thoughts and beliefs turned to writing fiction. Then, through short stories and novels for the improvement of society and its complex problems initiated.
    He's also written a book of poems with ideological and cultural and social activities.
    Beautiful style, short sentences, simple words and clear, overcoming the mind and the essence of Mtnf employing some new skills such as: Mfarqh image, Mvnvlvj (monologues) and Astraja is a prominent feature of his writings.
    Adaptive inductive method used in this study, the conclusions reached, including.
    In addition, the authors emphasize the difficulties were women, as if women were the focus of the stories she wrote specifically for her. His writing and teaching reform has set high goals and motivations Ansanyf why Tnas types, especially Tnas Quran and Hadith Sharif states, preaching the wisdom of his works appeared. So he sets his story in the form of a religion.


  49. ترجمه و شرح کتاب مدایح نبوی النبهانیة جلد1 ، 500 بیت اول
    هما شجاعی 1392
    Hamziyeh Bysiri’s Qasida is a masterpiece of Arab poetry which was versified by Shraf aldin Mohammad Bin Busiri, the fame poet in 7th century A.H. It is a very famous Qasida that following the“Burda” has a prominent status among poets. It is, in fact, a complete life history of Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) as well as the beginning of Islam dissemination, in which no events of his life history have been missed. In this elegant Qasida, Busiri deals with the events occurred the night just before birth of Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah upon him), his miracles, youth, marriage, prophetic mission, generosities, the wars, introducing his followers and their virtues and description of his( the poet) spiritual journey to Mecca and ultimately he concludes the poem with fervent prayer, repentance, demand of intercede from Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) and peace and blessings of Allah upon him. This fame Qasida that is interchangeably called " a'm alkra fi khir al amoura" has been versified in 456 couplets based on beher e Khafif (light meter) with meters of h “ Faelaton”. Mustaefelan’, Faalatan’. This Qasida attracted the attention of poets and scholars in such a way that they opposed to it strongly. By focusing on description and translation of this Qasida, this paper initially deals with description of abstractions and literal and fluent translation and it is attempted to avoid the free translation as far as possible. Then it examines the hints and allusion and Quran derivatives and eloquence and literary in the literature. It is hoped that this research to be accepted by Allah and his Messenger( peace and blessings of Allah upon him).
  50. دراسة تحلیلیة فی شرح حسینیات العلامه الربیعی
    سمیر پوریان پور 1392
  51. بررسی اندیشه های اجتماعی ودیدگاههای انتقادی مارون عبود
    سهام لطیفی صابر 1391
  52. بررسی تطبیقی عناصر داستان در داستان های یوسف ادریس و جلال ال احمد
    معصومه فتحی مقدم 1391
  53. خاستگاه و جایگاه حکمت در سروده های سید حیدر حلی .
    رقیه شریفی 1391
  54. دور البصرة فی ازدهار العلوم الأدبیة (فی العصر العباسی)
    ناجی سواری 1390
  55. مکانة جرجی زیدان فی الأدب العربی
    علی البوغبیش 1390
  56. روش شناسی مدح و فخر شریف رضی
    فرزانه خسروی مزیدی 1390
  57. معادل یابی، ترجمه فارسی لغات،ترکیبات و اصطلاحات گویش عربی ایل خمسه استان فارس با زبان عربی فصیح
    زهرا صادقی نقدعلی علیا 1390
  58. معنویت گرایی در شعر ناصیف الیازجی
    كوكب بازیار 1389
  59. بررسی زندگی علمی وادبی آیت الله کرمی
    عیدان جلالی 1389
  60. العاطفه و الاحساس فی شعر ابراهیم ناجی
    احمد خنیفی زاده 1388
  61. بررسی گرایش های انسانی در اشعار احمد مطر
    زینب شمخانی 1388
  62. ادبیات مهجر در آمریکای جنوبی (برزیل)
    نرگس گبانچی 1388
  63. زهد در دوره‌ی عباسی اول
    كامران ترابی 1387
  64. بازگشت ادبی در شعر عصر عباسی
    زهرا طاهری‌زاده 1386
  65. دراسه الاراء النقدریه لطه حسین فی الادب
    حنا عبدالخانی 1386
  66. النزعه الانسانیه فی شعر معروف الرصافی
    معصومه خلوی زاده 1386
  67. بازگشت ادبی در شعر عصر عباسی
    زهرا طاهری زاده 1386