gholamreza karimifard

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

gholamreza karimifard

دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب

P.H.D dissertations

  1. تبیین و تحلیل دلالتهای معنایی در ترکیب های چند وجهی نحوی، مطالعه موردی ثلث نخست قرآن
    بابایی دم طسوج-علی 1396

     Arabic is a flexible language, and sometimes a role in this language can be viewed from a variety of angles.Accordingly, syntactical scholars have paid attention to their semantic meanings in addressing Arabic aspects. In the Holy Qur'an, which is itself the main factor in the development and development of syntactic science, there is a deep link between syntactic issues and semantic implications, so that the Arabs' terms of sentences and words in the verses have a direct effect on their meanings.
    Multilingualism in Arabic means that a word or sentence according to its place may have several different roles, and each role will change the meaning of the sentence. The origins of the Arabs' meanings are the lack of clarity of the word Arabs and The sentence, the vagueness of the spontaneous word structure, the multi-role share in an Arabic sign, the endowment in reading, and the acceptability of several roles by a word.
    It is well-known that most syntactical scholars believe that in Arabic, which is the language of the Holy Qur'an, Arabs influence the meaning And in order to clarify the meaning, it is essential for the Arabs to consider the correct words and sentences.
    The purpose of this research is to recognize the Arabs as tools that reveal the eloquence and rhetoric of the Qur'an by revealing different roles and meanings appropriate to them, and by presenting objective examples of These compositions in the first part of the Holy Quran provide a scientific method to guide the significance of the semantic implications of the Arabs in the Qur'an.
    It can be said that the multifaceted combinations and their semantic implications in the Quran Karim, one of the examples of the glorious Qur'an is miraculous; that is, in any sense, a syntax as a drunk verse It comes in handy.

  2. تحلیل وبررسی شعر ابن المعتز با تکیه بر دیدگاه زیبایی شناسی
    بهرام یاراحمدی 1395

     The analysis of ibn – e – motaz poem is the title of the research that, It on the basis of the aesthetic, has been oddressed her'e.
    For this purpose, first, The concpet of aesthetic and Its pillars and characters were examined and, in regard to these elements the examples of aesthetic in regord to these elements the examples of aesthetic in poetry have been considered such as, simile, metaphor, paradox and music This is tody consists of three general chapters entitled, The aesthetic, The poem art images and music the aesthetic elemets of Ebne moetaz 's poem are expressed more in Eloquence that his similes have aestetic elemets, such as, fictiov, perception and honest feeling. The poet has succeeded in using, The aesthetic elements in simile, meta por and paradox In the Inner music section, Ebne moetaz has made an harmony and proper consistency between letters and words with his cocepts proper consistency between letters and words with his concepts of poem, and, these are utterd in his formats appro priatery.

  3. بررسی سیر تحول تاثیر زبان عربی بر نظم و نثر فارسی از نیمه قرن سوم هجری تا پایان قاجاریه
    علی آرامش پور 1392
  4. بررسی زیبایی شناسی گذر از هنجار زبانی در زبان عربی
    ولی بهاروند 1392
  5. تحلیل و بررسی شیوه های بیان علت در قرآن کریم با تکیه بر مبانی دستوری و بلاغی
    فرهاد براتی 1390

Master Theses

  1. دراسةالشخصیة فی روایة درب الزعفران لمحسن الموسوی
    سیده زهرا رحمانی 1403
  2. نوشته هایی كه هرگز خوانده نشد
    كوثر حزبائی زاده 1402
  3. ترجمه کتاب مجموعه داستانی فی الطریق اثر امینه قطب
    قادر فاضلی 1401
  4. ترجمه کتاب عام النمل اثر سناء شعلان
    یوسف متقیان نیا 1400
  5. سیمای حضرت اباالفضل در شعر عربی خوزستان
    عبدالحسین سواری 1396
  6. نقد و بررسی تطبیقی ترجمه های صحیفه سجادیه ((ابو الحسن شعرانی و موسوی گرمارودی))
    لیلا خالدی 1396
  7. اختلاف روایات در معلقات دهگانه
    حمید چنانی 1396

    Mu'allaqat are the most famous and exquisite odes of arab poets during pre-islamic period which are written with gold for to be valuable and are dangled from Kaaba curtain. There are abundant traditions differences in Mu'allaqat. This project is about analysis of different traditions about Mu'allaqat. This project's findings states that famous Mu'allaqat narrators were disagree with a word one or two movings letters sometimes. So that, one of the narrators narrated a letter with E and another narrated it with O. Also, sometimes these differences are observed at a word's letter or letters, and they cause to differ meaning of a distich, but the differences are not limited to letter and moving, however, there are these differences in a broader context of adjectival and additional compounds format. Also, these differences are between verbs, nouns, sentences andseudo-sentences and lead to change the distich meaning. Don't be written and to be quoted orally cause to appear many differet traditions but it is not reason to reject all of these poetry.

  8. رثای شخصیت ها در شعر احمد شوقی
    احمد عبیات 1395

     The elegy is considered as one of the poetry topics which is related to the soul of human being and one of the sincerest topics in expressing the mourning ,sadness and pain.The poets from the pre-islamic era till now had used the elegy as a topic for saying poems,one of them is the egyptian poet Ahmad Shawqi whose poetical works include a great extent of elegy and his elegies include two types,first one is about elegy for cities and the second one is about the elegies for characters(persons).
    In this thesis thah we try to do it by an analytic and deep critic study, we will focus on the second type which are the elegies for political,litrary,ingenious, artists and family characters(persons). This study includes four chapters and conclusions and persions abctract..Finally we come in to some conclusions which the followings are the most iportant:
    Shawqi's elegies were influenced by Motanabi's and Abo Al-ala's elegies specially in the areas of philosophy and wisdom.
    Shawqi in his elegies for people(characters) attempted to make the elegies to signify the characters'(peoples) lives and their professions but he was not a sentimental poet because his elegies for people(characters) were far from sigh and crying and for this reason he was attempting to cover this weakness by philosophy and wisdom.Also his elegies in most of the time express his ideas and thoughts about many of the affairs specially the affairs of life.

  9. الشعر الحماسی فی دیوان الجواهری
    عفری-ناصر 1393

     Mohammad Mehdi Jawahiri of the most famous Iraqi poets that during the life of their community built on deep link,
    Many poems in his critique of political and social issues of the legacy left behind. Jawahiri of iraqi society and the plight of many of the problems of poverty, injustice, class differences, lack of political freedom, lack of independence and dependence superpower suffered. this caused a lot of people are deprived of even having a normal life. .
    Jawahiri as well as a social institution that many of these problems and difficulties, including severe class differences arising from the political principles of the iraqi society by the colonialists imposed on the nation, numerous other policy issues such as poverty, misery and deprivation huge masses of people have followed
    Methods or procedures derision biting critique of the new jewel in the past with some derision from different poets. Jawahiri is more akin to social criticism, ridicule. Jawahiri of derision individual syllables or avoid the caricature. most of the criticism of the political, economic and even religious deals. Trtray ode to the poet who speaks disorder and injustice in society is the day iraq the best evidence of this poet giber ridicule and criticism srast..

  10. ادب السخریه فی شعر الجواهری
    جرفی-علی 1393

     Mohammad Mehdi Jawahiri of the most famous Iraqi poets that during the life of their community built on deep link,
    Many poems in his critique of political and social issues of the legacy left behind. Jawahiri of iraqi society and the plight of many of the problems of poverty, injustice, class differences, lack of political freedom, lack of independence and dependence superpower suffered. this caused a lot of people are deprived of even having a normal life. .
    Jawahiri as well as a social institution that many of these problems and difficulties, including severe class differences arising from the political principles of the iraqi society by the colonialists imposed on the nation, numerous other policy issues such as poverty, misery and deprivation huge masses of people have followed
    Methods or procedures derision biting critique of the new jewel in the past with some derision from different poets. Jawahiri is more akin to social criticism, ridicule. Jawahiri of derision individual syllables or avoid the caricature. most of the criticism of the political, economic and even religious deals. Trtray ode to the poet who speaks disorder and injustice in society is the day iraq the best evidence of this poet giber ridicule and criticism srast..

  11. ترجمه مقامات ناصیف الیازجی از مقامه 16 تا پایان مقامه 30 ام
    علی محمد بگل 1393

    Tanslation of Magamat in literary term is a special kind of short stories with rhyming prose that appearead for the first time in 4th century by initive of Badi Al-Zaman Hamedani in Arabic literature , and the most famous writer of Magamah is Hariri that many of writers of Magamah has followed him , amang them is Nafis yaziji who is a Lebanese scholar. (1799-1287). Nafis yaziji leave some valuable works after himself in the field of grammar ,rhttoric , logic,medicine and music. His Magamat named Majama-al-bahrin has sixty Magameh writed an the style of Hariri’s Magamat and it is a set of valuable lexical collection which includes historical events and detailed accounts about manners and customs of Arabs in their life and also their wars and achievements also it is free from its contemporary social realities and has only educational purpose. This study is a translation of Magamat 16th to 30th “of Nafis Al-yaziji whit explanations.

  12. بررسی تطبیقی مضامین حکمی در شعر ناصر خسرو و متنبی
    سیدناصر نوری زاده 1393

    Persian and Arabic Language had long been in contact with each other and are influence . After lslam, following the ethnic melting pot of ideas and knowledge that are now gathered under one flag , the rich culture emerged .
    On the other hand , being watered from watering rich culture the Koran and Hadith , it is more valuable to the continued expansion of the Muslim lands in the impact and response of Arabic and persion language and culture , in excess of each other .
    Many poets and literary themes so that each of two language can be found in other literary works .
    This study is based on a comparative analysis of a sample of the same consistency unaffected Motanabbi view and Nasir , two great poet of Persian and Arabic literature in the Wisdom to pay . Why Motanabbi name and reputation, as well as his great wisdom, was due to the lyrical themes and ideas of the great poet in Persian language poets such as Nasir way.
    Both have denounced the cynicism and look at the world and life. Preferred to live in dignity and to die with dignity makes sense. Because no one can escape death. One should always seek knowledge and wisdom of no Khrdan Bashdv avoid. But the lowest of the people, and people drive like quadruped in a dream state of carelessness..
    However, It should be noted that ideas of identity and assimilation perspective poets Nasir Motanabbi, not only through imitation. Because Muslim writers who benefit from the same resources as the Koran, the Hadith, the culture of his time and also a time of suffering and hardship caused to many of their ideas to be close.

  13. بررسی مضامین مشترک در اشعار دکترمحمدرضا شفیعی کدکنی و عبدالوهاب البیاتی
    سیدباسم آرسته 1393

     Mohammad Reza Shafie Kadkani and Abd-alvahhab Al-Bayati are two well-known poets in Persian and Arabic contemporary literature,and considered pioneers in Romantism school of literature. These two poets who had been thoroughly feeling political and social situations of their society and has passed almost the same situation,influencing each other,shared common concepts in their poems,remembered their past and made an image full of sorrow and annoyance called nostalgia.
    Nostalgia or missing past events is a mental mood is made automatically for a person,and is changed to a thought for him.In literature field this mood is made for a poet who has reached to a level of hatred-following personal motive-toward the current political-social situation of his/her country and desires to get back to his/her past sweet memories.
    The aim of this research is to analyse the way we see common concepts in the poetry of these two poets.It is done based on an analytic-descriptive method in their poetry.

  14. وجوه الاختلاف و التشابه بین طبیعه ابی تمام الشعریه و ابن الرومی
    بخاطی-سیدمحمد 1393

    Arabic literature Wounded Throughout the centuries the long thaw in Purposes and meanings However, when he began the Abbasid era began with the scientific revolution unprecedented in the history of Arabic literature Some poets wanted to keep abreast of this scientific revolution This was the good step towards prosperity Arabic literature but soon returned mental dominated the ancient Arab poets Yet some poets have invested the spread of science and knowledge And most important of these Abu tammam and Abn alromy. The two poets were adapting to a new life. and the old poem written and As well as a new method.
    Abu tammam and Abn alromy affected conditions in which they lived. Among the most prominent effects on their hair is praise. It should be noted that both poets from many cultures took advantage of their time period. For understanding the poem should be aware of. In order to see that this poetic music rotted in their hair The poets poetry out of the case, illiteracy and fungal poets it was in previous eras. And this has opened a new page in Arabic literature. It is known that hair Abu tammam was known concise The most prominent character in the poetry of the author is stretching.
    Abn alromy poetry influenced the culture of his time and His poetry was a picture of his society However Abu tammam was more His poetry in praise. Critics Many authors have written books about this two of poet Because both the poet and aesthetic meanings are

  15. زندگی اجتماعی در شعر عصر عباسی
    عبدالامیر ساكی 1392

    Keywords : Literary History of the Arabs- Abbasid era- Social Life- Acculturation

    Abstract :

    After the transfer ofsuccessiontothe sons ofAbbas,the uncleof the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon himandhis family, became the center ofthe government inBaghdad. Andwhat wasthe Persiansof the biggestsupportersof the sons ofAbbasintheir coup, they had bigpositionwhenthe caliphs.
    The goal ofthis researchto reachanunderstanding ofthe fact thatthe mergerof the Abbasidsin other culturesof thepeoplesandundercoverprivateFarsi. Abbasidstakea lot ofhabitssuch asthe use ofclothingin thedecrees, such as holidaysand festivals, asthey tookthem tothe cooking methodof the types offoods and drinks, andthe back ofanyprinciple ofchoiceto choosethe best of bothculturesandundercoverwork out.
    To reach the goal I checked the mothers history books and literature by authors discuss about the Abbasid era so that there recognized the traditions and ethics of a private community has diversified culture in various cultures of the nations that comprise the neighboring ones social life. The most recent phenomenon in the poems of poets Abbasid era where filmed best picture, which makes the reader sweetness flourishes through.
    WascommunityAbbasidistributedaccording to the wishesmaypennedcaliphs, there are those wholived in theclassperchessuch asministers andleaders, governors andtherelivedmiddle class, such as merchantsandcraftsmenandModvinandmilitary men, and finally there are those whowere forcedto resort tothe lower layer, which includes the general public, including farmersand servantswhereweresufferingmany of thedeprivationand misery.
    This is whythe Abbasidsbreatheculturesdid not createthemselves, butcreatedthemNations

    had livedintheir faces. Wheretheseaffectednations in thesocial atmosphere, which participated in theAbbasideducate thecommunity, reaching this phenomenonto theCaliphtakingsomepersonaltraditions andincorporatesthe samefeesfortheseexoticcultures.
    Perhaps themixingof sexualandlinguistic and culturalhisimpactfigure in thecreation ofsocial lifehasincludedpeoples andfolksanddisparate groupsingender, languageand culture, but it did notfall within the scopeof Arab cultureeven tookits various componentsare mixedelementArabmixedstrong, if usin front ofa civilizationconsisting ofracesanddifferent elements,she wentfusedtheseracesinthe Arabvesseluntilitbecamethe doctrine ofone.
    Islamic religionis aphenomenonofsocial phenomenaandone ofthe ingredientsupon which theAbbasid state,has seenthisreligion in the statesignificantdevelopment. Thespread of Islamamong the peoplesof non-Muslimand understandingof Islamled tothe emergence ofmany sects, including: Mu'tazili andIbadiyeandAlmarjip, alsoarose from thecommunityShiitesseveral denominationsso as toresultdifferencesdoctrinalordisagreement aboutinheritingthe position ofShiite Imam, including: Ismailia andAlaveiyeh andDruzeandQaramita.
    We have hearda lot aboutthe Abbasid era, andin whichthedisadvantages ofthe moral, and thespread in thecommunity, such asdrinking alcohol,obscenity, and promiscuity, but we seeinthe same eraspread ofhuman values, and social, such as freedom ofthe statement, andthe freedom of education, learning, anddecreasethe severity ofneurologicalArab,and peaceful coexistenceamong the general public, andtalksincognitivescientific seminars, wheremany of thefeaturedpoetsremaineddescribethese valuesandinterpretthe words oftheir situation.
    With the entry of the United undercover to society Abbasi, descended withthese nationsmostmaidsdifferent culturesevenaffecta significant impacton the environmentArabic, until I gottothis phenomenonwithin thePalaceof successiontobemost of thecaliphsof the sons ofslaves. Variedthe plight ofslaves, some of themimproves thespinningsystemsandthe art ofpoetry, singing and dancing andpracticingeachotherinrelation tohouseholdduties.


  16. بررسی آثار ادبی، فرهنگی و علمی موالی در عصر اموی و عباسی
    محمد زمانی اصل 1392
  17. مقارنه الامثال و الحکم العربیه فی خوزستان مع الفصحی و الفارسیه
    سیدناجی موسوی نسب 1392
  18. ترجمه و شرح دیوان حاتم طائی
    علی سیاحی 1391
  19. ترجمه و تحقیق دیوان فدوی طوقان
    قاسم منصوری مفرد 1391
  20. بررسی مقابله ای ترجمه های صحیفه سجادیه
    امیر هلالی 1391
  21. ترجمه،شرح وتحلیل وجدانیات ابن فارض
    حسین رضایی شاهیوندی 1390
  22. فرهنگ ایرانی در شعر عربی شاعران ایرانی تبار عصر عباسی دوم(232-656)
    علیرضا ملك میرزایی 1390
  23. شناخت و تحلیل مکتبهای ادبی در شعر عربی خوزستان
    محمد علی ساعدی 1389
  24. شعر جاهلی مرحله تکامل فنی در شعر عربی
    احمد سرخه 1389
  25. معنی سازی عنصر صحرا در شعر عربی
    غانم بوعذار 1389
  26. دراسه و تحلیل فی دیوان ابی مقصود الهویزی
    قاسم محمودیانی 1388
  27. الرمز و الرمزیه فی شعر بدرشاکرالسیاب
    قیس خزاعل 1388
  28. التفات در قرآن کریم
    حسین خادمیان 1387
  29. تحلیل ادبی ستایش و نکوهش در نهج‌البلاغه
    رضا بنان 1387
  30. قسم در قرآن و ارتباط آن با جواب قسم
    حجت هاشمی شیری 1386
  31. واژه‌نامه ورزشی عربی به فارسی و فارسی به عربی
    احمدرضا صابری 1385
  32. بررسی زیبایی‌شناسی تشبیه در نهج‌البلاغه (حکمت‌ها و نامه‌ها)
    رضا نیكدل گشتی 1384