Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad

دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی

Journal Paper

  1. "The Content Analysis of Shiite Jurisprudential Texts"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Critical Research Journal of Humanities Texts and Programs, pp.289-313, 2022
  2. "The Necessity of the Organization in managing the good and forbidding the evil"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    اسلام و مدیریت, pp.75-95, 2022
  3. "Ways to deal with renting bank accounts from the perspective of Islamic law and economics"
    aref bashiri : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, mohammad mohseni dehkalani : Third author
    Islamic Economics Studies, pp.39-65, 2022
  4. "The Jurisprudential and Legal Investigation of Criminal Policy of Iran in the Criminalization of Not Registering Marriage"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    پژوهش های فقه و حقوق اسلامی, pp.137-162, 2021
  5. "مدیریت سازمانی"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic studies, pp.73-103, 2021
  6. "Studying the nature of unjustified possession in the legal system of Iran and India"
    aref bashiri : First author, mohammad mohseni dehkalani : second author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : Third author
    مطالعات شبه قاره, pp.83-102, 2021
  7. "Examining the Work Guarantee Based on Jurisprudential Rules"
    zohre Hajian forooshani : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    پژوهشهای فقهی, pp.227-259, 2021
  8. "An analysis of the law of protection of the commandments of theright in the light of diversity in the recognition of instances of values"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islam and Social Scieces, pp.231-258, 2021
  9. "Two Principal Strategies in Improving the Efficeincy of Jurusprudence Texts and Sources: With the Focus on the Causes of Judgments and Their Application"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Critical Research Journal of Humanities Texts and Programs, pp.251-274, 2021
  10. "The reasons of criminalization of not registering marriage in the scale of religious jurisprudential and it,s principles"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    جستارهای فقهی و اصولی, pp.195-224, 2020
  11. "Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic studies, pp.29-49, 2020
  12. "Relationship between Ordering to the Virtue and the Political Interests of the Islamic System"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    contemporary legal studies, pp.131-155, 2020
  13. "From the Evidential Jurisprudence to the Causal Jurisprudence"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, معصومه سياحي : second author
    پژوهشهای فقهی, pp.105-128, 2020
  14. "The Role of Jurisprudence in Explaining the Methods of Rulings Enforce-ment"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    fiqh, pp.105-128, 2020
  15. "A religious jurisprudential study of Clause 49 of the protecting family law on the criminalization of not registering marriage"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    مطالعات حقوق کیفری و جرم شناسی, pp.297-312, 2020
  16. "Not registering marriage in jurisprodental view"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    زن و جامعه, pp.127-144, 2019
  17. "A Comparative Study of the Use of the Term Cause and Words Close to it in the Four Sciences of Philosophy, Figh, Ow-Soul and Law"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, معصومه سياحي : second author, Khosrow Neshan : Third author
    دو فصلنامه دانش و پژوهش حقوقی, pp.59-90, 2019
  18. "Pathology of the Idea of Public Obligatoriness of Enjoining what is Right and Forbidding Evil"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islam and social studies, pp.104-128, 2019
  19. "Analyzing the Efficiency Elements of Jurisprudence (Case Study, the Terms of Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong)"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic studies, pp.53-70, 2018
  20. "Examining rational reasons for good and forbidding"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Figh, pp.73-97, 2018
  21. "بررسی فقهی و حقوقی راهکارهای تعیین ضامن در تداخل عرضی اسباب"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, معصومه سياحي : second author, Khosrow Neshan : Third author
    آموزه های فقه مدنی2251-936X, pp.89-116, 2018
  22. "نگاهی روش شناسانه به آثار فقهی "
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    The Scientific Research Journal in Jurisprudence and Bases of Islamic law, pp.95-120, 2018
  23. "Position of Derelicts in the Governmental Fiqh of Islam"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT (Hokumat-e Eslami), pp.115-144, 2018
  24. "جایگاه عقل در صورت تعارض با سایر ادله"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, زهرا بريهي : second author
    نشریه علمی علوم اسلامی انسانی, pp.62-71, 2018
  25. "چالش های نوین در قاعده فقهی ضمان عاقله"
    SEYADHOSSEN altaha : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, داودي - مژگان : Third author
    نشریه علمی علوم اسلامی انسانی, pp.139-148, 2018
  26. "Abandonment rule using"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    پژوهشهای فقهی, pp.389-412, 2017
  27. "Preventive efficacy of hunging offenses"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, batol solymani : second author, vali moredi : Third author
    مطالعات پیشگیری ازجرم, pp.123-144, 2015
  28. "Offenseces against family challenges and metlds"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, soheila sahra neshin samani : second author
    دو فصلنامه دانش و پژوهش حقوقی, pp.34-63, 2014
  29. "Rooting the Qisas or Nemesis Rulle in Ancient Irans Law"
    batol solymani : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Jurisprudence and history of civilization, pp.33-50, 2013
  30. "Rooting the Qisas or Nemesis Rulle in Ancient Irans Law"
    batol solymani : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Jurisprudence and history of civilization, pp.33-50, 2013
  31. "The Sourse and Llegitimacy of the Persumption ofFact"
    mesam dosti poor : First author, roh alah dehghani : second author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : Third author, SEYADHOSSEN altaha : Fourth author
    دو فصلنامه دانش و پژوهش حقوقی, 2013
  32. "A Deliberationon the Application of the Legal Priciple Avoidance"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic studies, pp.31-53, 2013
  33. "اصلاحیه قانون ارث زوجه در آئینه فقه"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic studies, pp.9-28, 2013
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic Law, pp.131-159, 2011
  35. "the scope of efficiency of the juridical rule of no ham"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic Law, pp.63-91, 2011
  36. "State - lead Religious Exhortation and Guidelin"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Research Letter of P0litical Science, pp.109-135, 2011
  37. "An analysis of thereform of the wmen"sinheritance law in Iran"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    fegh va mabani-ye hoquq-e eslami, pp.55-77, 2011
  38. "Upheavals of Social Monitoring in Islamic Civilization"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islam and Social Scieces, pp.14-168, 2011
  39. "Enjoining good and pluralism the Islamic Revolution Defines this Relation"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Islamic Revalution Studies, pp.91-115, 2010
  40. "مروري بر مشكلات فارغ‌التحصيلان دانشكده الهيات: نه فقيه، نه حقوقدان"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    کیهان فرهنگی, 1921
  41. "A Methodological View to the Works of Shiite Jurisprudence"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
  42. "Reviews Tricky-Based Crimes from the Perspective of Criminology"
    Hajar Sameri1 : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Stem Cell, pp.13-17, 2016

Conference Paper

  1. "راهکارهای برون رفت از اختلاف میان امر به معروف و نهی از منکر و ضمانت اجرای قانون"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, زینب نیسی نژاد : second author
    نخستین کنفرانس ملی, حقوق, فقه و فرهنگ, 2020
  2. "From the jurisprudence of duty to the jurisprudence of civilization"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    National Conference on the Constructive Components of Civilization in the Statement of the Second Step of the Revolution, 2020
  3. "بررسی تطبیقی ملاک های جرم انگاری فقه اسلامی و حقوق بشر و قابلیت های آنها در همزیستی مسالمت آمیز"
    اسيه پاپي : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, hussein aghaei janatmakan : Third author
    کنفرانس بین المللی ظرفیت های راهبردی آموزه های اسلام در تحقق همزیستی مسالمت آمیز, 2019
  4. "ندارد"
    اسيه پاپي : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, hussein aghaei janatmakan : Third author
    کنفرانس بین المللی ظرفیت های راهبردی آموزه های اسلام در تحقق همزیستی مسالمت آمیز, 2019
  5. "جایگاه عقل در صورت تقابل با سایر ادله"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, زهرا بريهي : second author
    Ntional Conference on Islamic Humanities Sciences, 2018
  6. "sighns of Politicaligion of Religion in Islamic Sociates"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    Iran and World New Reaserches on Psychology Educcational scienses and Social Studies, 2017
  7. "بسترحقوقی فضای مجازی پاک"
    hussein aghaei janatmakan : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, fateme mombeyni : Third author
    National Symposium on The Healthy Cyberspace, 2017
  8. "A Comparative Study of Pre-Revolutionary Army Courts and Armed Forces Judicial Organization after the Islamic Revolution”"
    Mousa Rostami : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Third Global Conference on Psychology and Educational Science Law and Social Sciences at the Beginning of Third Millennium, 2016
  9. "Investigate the crimes of the army and the armed forces before the revolution and after the Islamic Revolution"
    Musa Rostami : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Third Global Conference on Psychology and Educational Science Law and Social Sciences at the Beginning of Third Millennium, 2016
  10. "مطالعه حمایت حقوق کیفری از فن آوری های نو در پزشکی قانونی"
    Maryam Jalilyeh Ab Nargesi : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  11. "STUDING crime Detection and Forensic Science ROL IN cRIMINAL Law"
    Saeed Deilami : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  12. "نقش پزشك قانوني در معاينه اجساد در امور كيفري"
    Saeed Deilami : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  13. "مطالعه حمایت از فناوری های نو در آئین دادرسی کیفری و قانون مجازات اسلامی"
    Maryam Jalilyeh Ab Nargesi : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  14. "Studing the Stutus of Forensics New technologies in iran criminal law"
    Maryam Jalilyeh Ab Nargesi : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  15. "مطالعه قلمرو معاینه اجساد در پزشکی قانونی"
    Saeed Deilami : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  16. "بررسی جایگاه تکنیک تشخیص هویت ژنتیک در آئین دادرسی کیفری"
    Maryam Jalilyeh Ab Nargesi : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    The first of national conferance of tecnical,economical,soical and environmental investigation on 550000 hectars, 2016
  17. "مطالعه جایگاه معاینه اجساد در دادرسی عادلانه امور کیفری"
    Saeed Deilami : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author
    Global Conference on Pscychology and Educationai Sciences Law and Social Sciences at the begining of Third Millennium, 2016
  18. "Nature and Environment in the Perspectives of Religions with focus on Islamic view"
    Soad Mohammad zadeh : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, SEYADHOSSEN altaha : Third author
    International Congress on Culture and Religious Thought, 2014
  19. "عناصر محیط زیست در قرآن وروایات"
    soad mohammad zade : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, SEYADHOSSEN altaha : Third author
    مهندسی و مدیریت کشاورزی محیط زیست ومنابع طبیعی پایدار, 2014
  20. "را هکار های حفظ محیط زیست در اسلام"
    Soad Mohammad zadeh : First author, Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : second author, SEYADHOSSEN altaha : Third author
    First national congress on conservation and management of environment, 2013
  21. "efect ofeconommy on commanding right and forbidding wrong"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    the efect of commandhng rhght on economic health of the sociaty, 2010
  22. "results of the govermental commanding good"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    The Role of the Commanding rhght and forbidding wrong in ..., 2010
  23. "pluralism and commanding good"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author
    commanding right and forbidding wrong, 2010
  24. "رابطة ورزش و تربيت از نظر امام خميني(ره)"
    Abdolhossein Rezaei Rad : First author, alireza bahrami : second author
    C, 1999