Zohreh Babaahmadi milani

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Zohreh Babaahmadi milani

دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه علوم قرآن و حدیث

Journal Paper

  1. "مصاديق الافتراء في ضوء القرآن الكريم، دراسة تفسیریة"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, ALI MATOURI : second author, عمار هادي لفيف : Third author
    The Islamic University College Journal, pp.301-328, 2024
  2. "A comparative study of the authenticity of Sunnah from the point of view of Hadith critics (: Islamboli, Ashmawi and Kurdi Point of view analysis)"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author, رضيه اميري منش : Third author
    تحقیقات علوم قرآن و حدیث, pp.187-218, 2024
  3. "Evaluation of the Two Rules of “Words Are to be Understood According to Their General Meaning, Not Special Meaning in a Case” and “Adaptation” in the Field of Verses of Noble Characteristics and Virtu"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, hasan rezayy : second author
    pajuheshname kalam, pp.57-84, 2024
  4. "The purposes of the style of denunciation in the Quran; a comprehensive and rhetorical exegetical study"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, Nanci Saki : second author, صفاء عبدالحسين حميدي : Third author
    مجله الکلیه التربیه الاساسیه للعلوم التربویه و الانسانیه, pp.1580-1601, 2024
  5. "The Qur'anic metonymies as a Collection and a Rhetorical Interpretive Study"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, GHASEM BAOSTANI : second author, عباس طالب جهاد : Third author
    مجلة الکلیة الاسلامیة الجامعة, pp.164-194, 2024
  6. "الأثر العقائدي في تفسیر الأسماء والصفات الذاتیة في القرآن(دراسة تحلیلیة تطبیقیة بالتركیز على تفاسیر الكشاف والتبیان ومفاتیح الغیب)"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, Nanci Saki : second author, قاسم کاظم صادج : Third author
    لارك للفلسفة واللسانیات والعلوم الاجتماعیة, pp.228-253, 2024
  7. "The Qur'anic Expositions as a Collection and a Rhetorical Interpretive Study."
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, GHASEM BAOSTANI : second author, عباس طالب جهاد : Third author
    مجلة مرکز بابل للدراسات الانسانیة, pp.1271-1304, 2024
  8. "Mystical Interpretation of Verse 35 of Surah An-Noor based on Maybudī’s Kashf al-Asrār wa ʿUddat al-Abrār"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author
    Islamic Mysticism, pp.157-174, 2023
  9. "Methods of artistic portrayal in the hadith of the worldly conditions of the believer and the unbeliever"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, khareyi echreshe : second author, عدنان مهدي جحيل : Third author
    مجلة مرکز بابل للدراسات الانسانیة, pp.1615-1640, 2023
  10. "Artistic images of the afterlife conditions of the believer and the unbeliever in the hadith, a semantic rhetorical study"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, khareyi echreshe : second author, عدنان مهدي جحيل : Third author
    Journal of University of Babylon for Humanities, pp.1494-1508, 2023
  11. "Qur'anic appearance, truth, its manifestations, theoretical study"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, seyyed yusuf Mahfozi : second author, حيدر کاظم عبد : Third author
    مجلة مرکز بابل للدراسات الانسانیة, pp.103-128, 2023
  12. "Appearance at the level of the Qur’anic vocabulary and sentences, an applied study"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, seyyed yusuf Mahfozi : second author, حيدر کاظم عبد : Third author
    journal of Human Science, pp.1-16, 2023
  13. "الزیارة الغديرية للإمام الهادي (ع) دراسة وصفیة تحلیلیة"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    journal of Human Science, pp.1-10, 2022
  14. "دراسة فی مصطلحات "أهل الكتاب", "الیهود", "النصاری" وحدیثهم مع النبی صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم؛ على ضوء الآیات القرآنیة"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    لارک للفلسفة واللسانیات والعلوم الاجتماعیة, pp.23-45, 2022
  15. "تحليل الاستشهادات القرآنية في "الزيارة الغديرية"؛ على ضوء المنهج الأدبي"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    Adab al-Kufa, pp.666-690, 2022
  16. "Analysis and Criticism of the Validation of Tha'albi's and Baghoi's Exegesis from Ibn Taymiyyah's Point of View"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, Hasan Rezayi Haftadur : second author
    Qur,anic knowledge, pp.31-59, 2022
  17. "Examining the View on Commentators about Nature of Divine Lordship and Pharaohs Divinity"
    fatholah najarzadegan : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author
    قرآن شناخت, pp.41-60, 2022
  18. "نقد نظریه فخر رازی در باب تعیین امام ذیل آیات «ولایت و خلافت»"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, hamed dejabad : second author
    pajuheshname kalam, pp.163-182, 2020
  19. "A Study of the Jewish Language Contradictions of the Prophet's ((PBUH)) Age, According to the verses of the Holy Quran"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    سراج منیر, pp.65-91, 2018
  20. "The Ten Commandments in Surah Al-An'am, with a focus on Shia interpretations"
    GHASEM BAOSTANI : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author, صلاح عمران عليوي : Third author
    مجلة مرکز بابل للدراسات الانسانیة, pp.1415-1446, 2024
  21. "The Philosophy of Mentioning the Works of Divine Creation in Connection with the Prophecy of the Prophets in the World of Development based on Qur’anic Verses"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, pp.234-247, 2022
  22. "An Investigation into Qur'anic and Historical Reasons for the Immigration and presence of the People of the Book in Arabia"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, pp.202-214, 2022
  23. "The Explication of the Ways to Prove the Existence of God From the Viewpoint of Nahj al-Balāgha and its Conformity with Qur’ān"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, nosrat nilsaz : second author
    Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS), pp.73-86, 2022

Conference Paper

  1. "خداشناسی (براهین اثبات وجود خدا و معرفی برخی از اسماء حسناء الهی ) در پرتو پدیده¬های طبیعی در عالم تکوین"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    The 7th National Conference on Modern Research in Humanities and Social Studies of Iran, 2021
  2. "جایگاه ، مراتب و آثار دعا در قرآن کریم"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    The 7th National Conference on Modern Research in Humanities and Social Studies of Iran, 2021
  3. "نقد و تحلیل شبهه وهابیت دررابطه با دعا بر قبر پیامبر(ص) و اولیای الهی (با تاکید بر تحلیل رابطه دعا و عبادت در قرآن)"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, elham zarinkolah : second author
    8th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in the Field of Humanities, Management and Entrepreneurship in Iran, 2021
  4. "واکاوی شخصیت رجالی و تفسیری پایه¬گذار اجتهاد در تفسیر(مجاهد بن¬جبر)"
    elham zarinkolah : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author
    8th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in the Field of Humanities, Management and Entrepreneurship in Iran, 2021
  5. "سبک شناسی آوایی، صرفی- نحوی، بلاغی سوره قمر"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    The First International Conference on Applied Research in the Field of Quran and Hadith, 2021
  6. "اعجاز علمی قرآن در بُعد اسرار آفرینش کوهها"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author
    اولین کنفرانس بین المللی و دومین کفرانس ملی نظریه پردازی علمی قرآن در حوزه علوم انسانی و علوم طبیعی, 2019