Nanci Saki

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Nanci Saki

دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه علوم قرآن و حدیث

Journal Paper

  1. "عصر ركود الحديث أسبابه وأهم إنتاجاته"
    Nanci Saki : First author, GHASEM BAOSTANI : second author, کرار سعد خلف : Third author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.175-210, 2024
  2. "الإختلاف التفسيري للمعاصرون في توجيه القصص القرآنية - دراسة نقدية تطبيقية -"
    Nanci Saki : First author, ALI MATOURI : second author, حسين کريم داود : Third author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.31-58, 2024
  3. "A comparative study of the authenticity of Sunnah from the point of view of Hadith critics (: Islamboli, Ashmawi and Kurdi Point of view analysis)"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author, رضيه اميري منش : Third author
    تحقیقات علوم قرآن و حدیث, pp.187-218, 2024
  4. "الابعاد التفسيرية لآيات النهي في القرآن الكريم- دراسة تحليلية"
    Nanci Saki : First author, علي مونس هادود : second author
    مجلة مرکز بابل للدراسات الانسانیة, pp.1379-1404, 2024
  5. "The science of men and its role in evaluating narrators"
    Nanci Saki : First author, عبدالکاظم عبدالحسين نعيس : second author
    مجلة مرکز بابل للدراسات الانسانیة, pp.3381-3404, 2024
  6. "Explaining the Foundations and Educational Principles of Islam in Correct Ethics. Ethics in Science and Technology"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    Ethics in Science and Technology, pp.36-42, 2024
  7. "The purposes of the style of denunciation in the Quran; a comprehensive and rhetorical exegetical study"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, Nanci Saki : second author, صفاء عبدالحسين حميدي : Third author
    مجله الکلیه التربیه الاساسیه للعلوم التربویه و الانسانیه, pp.1580-1601, 2024
  8. "الأثر العقائدي في تفسیر الأسماء والصفات الذاتیة في القرآن(دراسة تحلیلیة تطبیقیة بالتركیز على تفاسیر الكشاف والتبیان ومفاتیح الغیب)"
    Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : First author, Nanci Saki : second author, قاسم کاظم صادج : Third author
    لارك للفلسفة واللسانیات والعلوم الاجتماعیة, pp.228-253, 2024
  9. "Mystical Interpretation of Verse 35 of Surah An-Noor based on Maybudī’s Kashf al-Asrār wa ʿUddat al-Abrār"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Zohreh Babaahmadi milani : second author
    Islamic Mysticism, pp.157-174, 2023
  10. "The role and influence of Quranic verses in the architecture of mosques"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    Islamic Art Studies, pp.468-484, 2023
  11. "دراسة الإستعارات المفهومية في الخطب 1- 15 من نهج البلاغة بناءً على تفسير(آية الله مكارم الشيرازي)"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    Adab al-Kufa, pp.446-604, 2022
  12. "تفسير الأغراض الثانوية للجمل الإنشائیة و الخبریة والإلتفات بمعاني القرآن في الأجزاء الثلاثة الأولى من القرآن الكريم (دراسة حالة)"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    Adab al-Kufa, pp.85-188, 2022
  13. "Analysis of Three mystical positions: Tavakol, Sabr and Tobah (Based on The interpretation of Makhzan Al- Irfan of Banu Amin and Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyah of Ibn Al-Arabi)"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    Islamic Mysticism, pp.127-142, 2022
  14. "Reconsidering the view of religion in the realm of human life based on the verses of the Qur'an"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    Quranic Studies Quarterly, pp.114-127, 2022
  15. "بکارگیری مؤلفه های سبک زندگی اسلامی و تأثیر آن در تعالی روح انسان با تکیه بر آیات قرآن"
    Nanci Saki : First author, علي گلستاني فر : second author
    Islamic Lifestyle Centered on Health, pp.119-126, 2022
  16. "Review of the Mystical Works of Repentance and its Role in Peace of Mind According to the Qur'an"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Hedyeh Masoudi sadr : second author
    Journal of Quran and Medicine, pp.61-69, 2021
  17. "Disambiguation of the Interpretation of Verse 64 of Surah Ma'idah with a Critical Analytical Approach"
    علي گلستاني فر : First author, Nanci Saki : second author, rasol ballawy : Third author
    quran and hadith studies, 2021
  18. "Viewing God through Relations and Verses with an Emphasis on Views by Mystics and Kalam Theologians"
    Mina Shamkhi : First author, Nanci Saki : second author
    Islamic Mysticism, pp.89-108, 2020
  19. "دراسة دلالیة لمفردة الوحی فی النظم المعنائی لقرآن الکریم"
    Nanci Saki : First author, sara saki : second author
    اللغه العربیه وآدابها: جامعه الکوفه, pp.276-310, 2020
  20. "سبک شناسی تمنی و ترجی در قرآن کریم از منظر زیبایی شناسی"
    Raheema gholanian : First author, Nanci Saki : second author
    Quranic Studies Quarterly, pp.51-67, 2019
  21. "جماليات القرآن الکريم و الشعر العربی بين أساليب التمني والترجي"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Raheema gholanian : second author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.377-394, 2019
  22. "A Comparative Survey of the Methodology Explaining Quran Vocabularies in Interpretation of Jamealbayan and Tebyan"
    Nanci Saki : First author, تنگستاني-معصومه : second author
    THE ISLAMIC COLLEGE Journal of Najaf University, pp.369-386, 2019
  23. "بررسی روایت" لن یفلح قوم ولو امرهم امراء""
    Nanci Saki : First author, GHASEM BAOSTANI : second author
    Hadith and Thought, pp.100-118, 2018
  24. "اخلاق در آموزش عالی با تکیه بر نگره های اسلامی"
    Mina Shamkhi : First author, Nanci Saki : second author
    Educational Developement of Jundishapur, pp.206-215, 2017
  25. "غفلت مطالعات اخیر غربی از فراگیری تواتر قرآن"
    Nanci Saki : First author, mohammad kazem shaker : second author
    تحقیقات علوم قرآن و حدیث, pp.87-112, 2016
  26. "کندوکاوی نو در مسئلۀ وثاقت تاریخی قرآن با استناد به مصاحف صنعا"
    Nanci Saki : First author, mohammad kazem shaker : second author
    Science and Religion Studies, pp.37-59, 2015
  27. "بنت الشاطی و ساماندهی تفسیر ادبی"
    mohammad kazem shaker : First author, Nanci Saki : second author
    تحقیقات علوم قرآن و حدیث, pp.84-108, 2014
  28. "تواتر قرآن و چالش های فرارو"
    Nanci Saki : First author, mohammad kazem shaker : second author
    سراج منیر, pp.7-39, 2014
  29. "نقش روایات در تعیین تاریخ تثبیت نهایی متن قرآن"
    mohammad kazem shaker : First author, Nanci Saki : second author
    سراج منیر, pp.7-37, 2014
  30. "نگرشی تاریخی - روایی به اختلاف قرائت «مالک»/«ملک» بر اساس تفاسیر"
    Dohamd taqi Diari : First author, Nanci Saki : second author
    کتاب قیم, pp.136-159, 2013
  31. "Mechanisms of Useful Scientific Interpretation and Criticizing its Extreme"
    Nanci Saki : First author
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, pp.354-368, 2022
  32. "Validation of the Idea of Intellect in the Evaluation of Hadiths: A Case Study of the Fabricated Hadiths"
    Nanci Saki : First author, Hedyeh Masoudi sadr : second author
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, pp.507-517, 2022
  33. "Tawatur: Forgotten Historical Evidence in the Studies of Wansbrough and His Followers"
    Nanci Saki : First author, mohammad kazem shaker : second author
    Religious Inquiries, pp.96-111, 2018